EGGER Sales App

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Provide Egger´s mobile sales staff „on tour“ with the latest CRM information on their iPads, whenever, wherever and with the greatest possible convenience and flexibility.

The smart, user-friendly Egger sales app seriously supports users in conducting their daily business: Traveling sales staff receives continuously updated CRM data on their iPads with the latest relevant updates provided on the way to the sales call. The app even processes the CRM-schedule and interactive customer files to identify and suggest alternatives in the near vicinity if a customer cancels a scheduled meeting at short notice. The necessary data are provided directly from Egger´s SAP-CRM-System von Egger, and are open to updates and additions during meetings - even in offline situations.

Smart engineering and sales-oriented user experience add up to a solution with real practical everyday benefits, while also producing better CRM data quality and enabling flexible reaction to changing situations.




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