DSGVO 2018: The Clock is Ticking
On May 25, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation will come into effect, providing a Europe-wide unified legal framework for processing and utilizing data of natural persons. In many respects, it will be stricter than currently applicable national regulations. Long preparing to meet the impending challenges, Netural has officially joined DAVITS, the Austrian Data Protection and IT Security Association.
Businesses and organizations will find that compliance with the new rules will involve comprehensive overhauls of their data retention structures. More often than not, this will present considerable challenges, with personal data scattered over various systems, databases and lists, with their origin widely unclear, and proof of consent to their use often difficult to obtain. During cleanups it may also turn out that data of customers, suppliers and job candidates have been requested and retained far beyond real business necessities or legal requirements.

Especially webs, apps and web-tools keep gathering information which will soon be subject to the new rules regarding storage and utilization. EU-DSGVO will provide natural persons with a number of rights which, while offering real legal improvements, may present considerable challenges for businesses and organizations, stating, for instance, the right to data transferability, the right to immediate notice in case of data loss or rights to information and deletion. The „Privacy by Design“ concept, which is also part of the regulation, calls for considering data-economy in the design of applications.
Time is running out. In the vast majority of cases the regulation will affect downstream IT systems, with immediate restructuring next to impossible. All the more important is quick action to solve at least the most pressing issues. Joining DAVITS provides Netural with access to a pool of experts who cover a wide variety of aspects ranging from legal advice to data privacy compliant web analytics. Furthermore, this network will support the ongoing exchange of experiences after the General Data Protection Regulation will have come into effect.
To learn more about the regulation´s implications for webs and apps, please contact Netural Senior Strategist Ernst Demmel (ernst.demmel@netural.com). He is a founding member of DAVITS and assembles teams with the necessary consulting and implementation competences.